Northside Neuromuscular Center


What to Expect for Your First Massage

The Day of Your Massage...
♦ Do drink plenty of water
♦ Do not eat a heavy meal
♦ Do bring all information forms
♦ Do not be anxious
♦ Do convey your comfort level

The day of your first massage do not schedule a multitude of activities before or after your massage to lessen your overall stress levels. This will enhance your bodies ability to relax more deeply during the massage and recover more completely from the effects of the massage (massage is very much like passive exercise). Drink plenty of water in the days preceding the massage to stay fully hydrated. This also enhances your benefits from the massage. Do not consume a heavy meal within four (4) hours of your session! Your body will be in the throws of digestion if you do and your blood will be in the digestive tract instead of being available to help relax the muscles of your back and extremities. Avoid engaging in disturbing or agitating emotional activities before your massage; then your mind and body can be fully focused on the therapy.

Lobby Please fill out the confidential information form before you arrive. The day of your arrival, a short interview will occur with your therapist. He will determine what the best course of therapy will be based on the information he gathers. You will be instructed to undress to a level that is comfortable for you; you will lie down on a massage table fully covered by a sheet and when necessary, a blanket (generally the table is heated for your comfort). After a brief time the therapist will enter the room and begin his preparations for the massage. You will be asked if you are comfortable and any appropriate adjustments to the table will be made to optimize your comfort. During the winter your therapist will heat his hands in hot water and make sure that the lotion is close to body temperature so as not to shock your body as he begins the massage. Using thumbs, open hands, forearms and elbow your therapist will begin to unlock the tight, painful muscle tissue in the areas discussed during the interview.

If the therapist finds any muscle problems not previously discussed he will ask permission to work these areas so as to optimize the results of the therapy. Throughout the session, your therapist will continually ask you for feedback on the amount of pressure being used, and whether or not your body is comfortable in various positionsMassage Table during the therapy. We ask that you breathe deeply and relax as much as possible especially when the therapist finds tender points that need releasing.When necessary your therapist will suggest specific stretches for areas of limited range of motion. Also if the therapist finds an area of inflammation that is hindering the release of muscle tension he will use ice therapy to diminish the inflammation and associated muscle spasms.

When the session is over the therapist will leave the room and you will be given time to dress and leave the room. Your therapist will then give you the opportunity to reschedule.

Northside Neuromuscular Center does not file insurance claims but will provide any forms required for filing by the client.

Cash or check is required for payment, and payment is required at the time services are rendered.

The purpose of this information is to empower new clients at Northside Neuromuscular Center to get the most potential benefit from their first and subsequent massage therapy sessions.

Northside Neuromuscular Center is an allied health care service facility were ethical, professional Massage Therapy is provided for the general public. The services provided here are not intended in any way to replace the qualified services of a primary Health care provider such as a Medical Doctor or Chiropractor. We cannot treat or diagnose disease. We simply provide different kinds of Massage Therapy for the purpose of pain relief, stress reduction and relaxation.

©2007-2010 Northside Neuromuscular Center