Northside Neuromuscular Center

Health Articles

What is Stress?

Hands Clinched

Stress is any stimulus to which a human being can be exposed: a person talking, a baby crying, an alarm sounding, a beautiful melody, a gruesome picture on television are all types of stress both positive and negative depending on the individual who perceives them. The reactions of the individual perceiving or experiencing the stress cause emotional, physical, and chemical changes in the body that can be either positive or negative. Obviously one should minimize the things that cause negative reactions and maximize the ones that bring positive reactions in our body, mind and emotions. Some things that happen in life cannot be avoided, but one thing we can always control is our response to the stress regardless of its source.

Of course, creating times of rest and relaxation away from the grind of daily schedules is of vital importance to living a healthy, long life.

Here is some things one can do to break chronic, negative stress reactions:


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