Northside Neuromuscular Center

Services Offered

What is Cryotherapy?

ice cube

Cryotherapy is the use of ice in various forms to stimulate the muscles and tissues that have become inflamed due to overuse and injury. It is a wonderful compliment to massage, Myofascial Release and Neuromuscular Therapy if performed either in conjunction with the therapy or immediately following the therapy. It is also very effective after exercise or stretching to help prevent further irritation to already inflamed muscles and tendons. This therapy decreases the inflammation that is often times the primary pain producer in muscles and tendons of the body. It also causes muscle spasms and tension to decrease significantly.

Cryotherapy is performed by the therapist using gel filled ice packs, or ice cups. The ice cups are applied like a roll on antiperspirant to the inflamed muscle or tendon. The ice pack approach takes 15-20 minutes and is less effective than ice cups, which only take about 2-3 minutes per application. The ice cups can be a little messy as the ice melts upon contact with the effected tissue, which is typically hotter than the surrounding tissue temperature, due to inflammation. Both Cryotherapy techniques can be performed at home to continue the healing process. All in all, it is a very cost-effective way to help relieve pain and inflammation and promote healing in injured or stressed muscles and tendons.

Home treatment procedure:
  1. Start by getting a thin kitchen or bath towel and soak it in hot water.
  2. Ring the towel out until moist.
  3. Using a fully frozen gel filled ice pack (Ace Bandage Co. and Chattanooga Corp. make high quality packs / talk to your therapist) wrap the moist towel around the gel pack.
  4. Apply the towel wrapped gel pack to the effected area and in the case of shoulders, ankles, wrists and elbows use an ace bandage of appropriate width to secure the pack over the area.
  5. Leave the pack on the area for 15-20 minutes or until the area is numb, which can take different amounts of time depending on the thickness of the tissue of the treated area.
  6. Remove the pack and gently massage the area back to normal tissue temperature.
  7. Repeat this process at least twice for best results.

*The ice massage home treatment simply requires an ice cup (a 3 ½ ounce Dixie cup ¾ filled is fine although larger is ok) applied to the affected area using a circular motion (thus the term ice massage) until the tissue is numb. This takes around 2-5 minutes again depending on the thickness of the tissue being treated.

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