Northside Neuromuscular Center

Services Offered

What is Myofascial Release?


Myofascial Release is a very effective hands-on massage technique that utilizes slow, sustained, direct and indirect pressure to painful, restricted areas of the soft tissues of the body to release pain and increase or restore range of motion to the joints. The fascia of the body that is the focus of this therapy is a connective tissue system that forms a wrapping around every structure in the body. It is continuous from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes, and under normal conditions it is relaxed and wavy in configuration. It is able to stretch and move without restriction, and provides support for every structure in your body including the bones.

When we experience trauma of any kind the integrity of the fascia can become compromised losing its pliability. This greatly diminishes blood flow, lymphatic drainage, and normal nerve innervation to the traumatized structures of the body. The end result produces pain and discomfort during normal everyday movements. Myofascial Release helps to restore normal function to the fascial system.

MassageThe difference between Myofascial Release and Neuromuscular Therapy is primarily in the approach the therapist takes. Myofascial therapy is done with no lotion or only a very small amount to avoid tearing the skin, and it utilizes a lot of passive stretching of the extremities and the trunk of the body.

Neuromuscular Therapy utilizes small amounts of lotion for a majority of it's techniques with the exception of certain squeezing and sifting movements to muscles of the throat, arm-pits, and some parts of the extremities. There is some overlap between the two in that they both utilize cross-fiber friction with the fingers; thumbs or elbows to mobilize stuck muscles and fascia.

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